Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Loew's State & Ohio Close

47 years ago today, Loew's State and Ohio closed. There weren't many people who thought they would ever re-open, but they were saved from the wrecking ball and became true gems in Downtown Cleveland.
Last six days, from the Plain Dealer, February 4, 1969.
Cover of Box Office, October 7, 1968. Star! was one of the most anticipated films of late 1968, it tanked at the BO. A bio-pic of Gertrude Lawrence seems like it would be a sure fire hit. Last summer we stumbled across a copy of this on a pair of VHS tapes and finally got around to watching it a few weeks ago. This was not a good film, some parts were good, but it was insufferably long, and didn't seem to go anywhere. Lots of big splashy production numbers, some were incredibly hokey. There were too many new songs written for this film and not enough old ones, songs Gertie actually sang.
Ice Station Zebra wasn't a bad picture, But didn't do well as a hard ticket roadshow at advanced prices.
 Both films started off well, but slumped badly as the weeks wore on. From Box Office, January 13, 1969.
From Box Office, January 27, 1969.
From Box Office, February 10, 1969.
From Box Office, February 17, 1969.
Loew's Ohio & State, January 1969, the Palace can also be seen on the right. Dallas Roger photo.
Playhouse Square, April 1995.

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