Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Baby Rose Marie

Baby Rose Marie opened at the Hipp on Friday, August 11, 1933, and in the process defied Ohio child labor laws, leading to the arrests of her father, Frank Curley and the Hipp assistant manager Corwin Collins four times a day for a week. Archaic child labor laws as well as the Gerry Society were the bane of juve acts during the first half of the 20th century. Baby Rose, who turned ten during this engagement was a big radio star with her own show on NBC. She would go on to appear in numerous motion pictures and later television shows. She's probably best known for her role on the Dick Van Dyke Show in the early 1960's.

 From The Plain Dealer, August 11, 1933.
From The Plain Dealer, August 11, 1933.
From The Plain Dealer, August 13, 1933.
From Variety, August 22, 1933.
From The Vaudevillians, Bill Smith, New York, Macmillan, 1976.

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