Thursday, October 31, 2019

428 Lackawanna Avenue

The empty storefront at 428 Lackawanna Avenue that once housed Gianetta Music is quite the eyesore. For the last several years this graffiti covered storefront next to the Steamtown Mall greets visitors to Downtown Scranton.
There's a disparity in how the city of Scranton enforces laws. If you're a wealthy downtown property owner you can let your property fall into disrepair, in fact even become an eyesore. However if you're an average person, you won't be afforded that luxury. About a dozen years ago the wall in front of our house was vandalized, a bunch of stupid stuff was written on it. I called the Scranton Police to report it. After I got through the ever popular "where did you come from talking like that?" question, I was told the police don't take reports for that sort of thing. But....I had 72 hours to remove the offending graffiti, or I would get fined! I forget the amount, but it was a couple hundred dollars. Yes you got that right, I called to report a crime, and I'm the problem. Go figure. But if you're politically connected you don't have to worry.

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