Monday, August 3, 2020

Illegal Dumping

No matter where you go, there's always some clown that's been there first and left their trash there. Maybe someday Scranton will have a mayor that cares about illegal dumping in town. City Hall has been pretty unresponsive about illegal dumping. If they can't tax it, why bother I guess. Crooked Cognetti has been a huge disappointment, way worse than the last guy. The city has been unresponsive not only about illegal dumping, but the fireworks in July as well. It's no fun being awakened at 2 - 3 AM by giant explosions in the street out front. I'm not talking about firecrackers, I'm talking bombs, window rattlers jolting people awake. If this type of activity was going on in the neighborhoods our elected officials live in, it would come to a quick halt. Little Miss Clueless surely wasn't jolted out of her bed by bombs in the middle of the night.

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