Saturday, November 21, 2020

Allen Theatre: Budapest Symphony Orchestra

 Today is the 49th anniversary of the first Playhouse Square Association production, the Budapest Symphony Orchestra in the Allen Theatre. This was a big step in saving the theatres at Playhouse Square. I wouldn't get there for another four months, this show was already legendary by then. A week or so before the show, the BSO advance man came by and said the stage was too small. The stage was then enlarged, by Smitty (Ralph Smith), removing the footlights, and covering the orchestra pit with plywood and 2x4s, much to the consternation of IATSE 27. Other shows would follow this one, small steps to the entertainment center that's there today. 

From the Plain Dealer, November 14, 1971. 
From the Cleveland Press, November 19, 1971. 
From the Plain Dealer, October 17, 1971. 
Rotunda, October 1971, Bill Gesten/Foto Arts Inc.
Auditorium, October 1971, Bill Gesten/Foto Arts Inc.

From the Plain Dealer, November 21, 1971. 
From the Plain Dealer, November 22, 1971.
From the Plain Dealer, November 22, 1971.
From the Plain Dealer, November 22, 1971. 
From the Plain Dealer, November 19, 1971.

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