Wednesday, December 23, 2020


 Pedestrians will need to be extra cautious this winter. Looks like Clueless Cognetti's is now having DPW plow snow onto the crosswalks at the street corners. As seen here in downtown Scranton. This is in addition to the traditional plowing of snow onto bridge sidewalks, as seen here on the Harrison Avenue Bridge on Sunday. There's also supposed to be bicycle lanes on the bridge, but they're covered as well. The city has been totally unresponsive to this issue for years, Connors, Cognetti administrations, doesn't matter. all the same, unresponsive and rude to boot. And we all know how busy DPW has been in the last month, skipping garbage pick-ups for several weeks. They literally skipped half our block multiple times, but I bet our "elected" officials have no such problems.

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