Thursday, October 21, 2021

Pocket Park

 They sure know how to waste taxpayers money in Scranton, in this case $500,000. A "needed mini park" on the corner of Wyoming and Linden Streets, a block from Courthouse Square, which is a large park. A building that should never have been razed to start with was here, Markowitz News, used to go here all the time. This was part of the failed Cathedral Square development, the city seized viable properties through eminent domain, handed them over to developers, that did nothing. This was in 2008, thirteen years ago, and that lot has been vacant ever since. This one is nothing compared to the huge empty space across Wyoming Avenue that was also part of this project. It supposedly was mitigated for the dry cleaning fluids from the adjacent business back when it was demolished. Then why is it being mitigated again now? Why are the taxpayers paying for this twice? Wonder why the local media doesn't ask these kinds of questions?

Markowitz Brothers, August 2008.

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