Saturday, April 2, 2022

Allen Theatre: Invictus/Hot Wax Easter Show

 Easter Sunday, April 2, 1972, the big Invictus/Hot Wax Show came to the Allen, and what a show it was. I seem to remember this as turning into one long show with acts returning again later, rather than two distinctly separate shows. This is when I learned to count deadwood, and there was plenty of it. There were probably a couple thousand people there total by the end of the night, concession sales were brisk. The standout acts on the bill were The Glass House, and 100 Proof (Aged in Soul). 

From The Call & Post, March 23, 1972. I answered the phone a lot that week, and I'd swear there were a couple more acts on the bill. I also remember when I said, "Barrino Brothers" people inevitably asked, "Flying Burrito Brothers?" and I'd say "No, just Barrino Brothers." I also recall the phrase to use when answering the phone was "Playhouse Square Association, Allen Theatre" and was always asked "Is this the Allen Theatre?" and I'd reply "Yes, it is." Callers also confused Playhouse Square with the Cleveland Playhouse, which was a mile east on Euclid Avenue. Interestingly enough the Cleveland Playhouse would end up moving into the Allen years later.

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