Friday, August 8, 2014

Scranton Lace Company

Scranton Lace was founded in 1890 and was once a leading producer of Nottingham lace. The company also manufactured such diverse products such as lace curtains and plastic shower curtains. Scranton Lace closed in 2002, and the building is on the National Register of Historic Places. Plans to renovate the main building for other uses have been floated in the last several years.
Peeking through the front entrance.
Above three views, looking through broken basement windows.
Above two, from Our First 50 Years, 1947
1921 ad.

1 comment:

  1. I remember vividly the image of the clock tower when rounding the corner coming from the Scranton block company. And living nearby on Cottage Ave as a seven year old the whistle on top of the clock still blew at noon. We used it to tell us kids playing in the neighborhood when to report home for lunch. Still easy to also remember the empty car carriers rusting in the vacant lot next door. Thanx for the photos and if you have any older photos of the clock please share them!
