Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Detroit - Superior Bridge

Below: two postcard views of the Detroit-Superior bridge in Cleveland. The top one is undated, the second has a postmark of September 4, 1923. The 3,112 foot long concrete bridge was the largest concrete bridge in the world when it opened on November 22, 1917. The streetcar level was closed on January 24, 1954 at the end of streetcar service.
Above an undated photo of the streetcar entrance on the east end of the bridge on Superior Avenue. Below, an undated photo of the West 25th Street station. Photographer unknown, both photos from my collection.
Below a view of the streetcar deck on the lower level, and an old light fixture from the station at the west end of the bridge. Both of these were from a tour of the lower level in October 1988.

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