An ad for several Belkin Productions from September, 1972. T-Rextacy never quite caught on in the U.S. This show at the Allen Theatre would be as close as it got. The Allen was about half filled for this show, around 1,500 were there. This was The Slider tour, they handed out hundreds of T-Rex buttons, which ended up all over the place. I wish I still had a few of them now. The opening act was pretty lame, but Marc Bolan and company didn't disappoint the fans there that night. Our boxoffice window ended up smashed out after the show. We weren't quite sure exactly when that happened, but it was an expensive thing to replace. Hard to believe this was 35 years ago tonight, and only one member of the group is still alive. Five years after this, Marc Bolan would be in a fatal auto accident. Check out some of those other shows. I turned down tix for the Bowie show at Music Hall, which I later regretted.