Monday, November 25, 2013

Monday, November 25, 1963: Three Funerals

Three funerals were held on Monday, November 25, 1963. Only the first one was televised across the country. Events from Sunday would dominate the front pages of the Monday morning papers.
Cleveland Plain Dealer, November 25, 1963.

Dallas Times-Herald, November 25, 1963.
Scranton Times, City Edition, November 25, 1963.
Scranton Times, Extra Edition, November 25, 1963.
Washington Daily News, November 25, 1963.
Washington Post, November 25, 1963.
Cleveland Press, November 25, 1963.
Across the country, schools and offices were closed. This is the 100 block of Wyoming Avenue in Downtown Scranton. From the Scranton Times, November 25, 1963.
Black Jack, the riderless horse at the Capitol.
The family marches down the street.
The funeral was held at St. Matthew's Cathedral in Washington.
St Matthew's, David S. Schwartz, U.S. Army Signal Corps
Casket being removed from St. Matthew's.
In front of St. Matthew's Cathedral.
John-John's salute.
Procession crossing the bridge.
Arrival at Arlington National Cemetery.
Graveside, Cecil Stoughton photo.
The original Kennedy grave.
Two more funerals were also held that day. At 2 PM CST services for Dallas policeman J.D. Tippit were held.
Marie Tippit at the funeral.
Photo by Al Panzera Fort Worth Star-Telegram.
Dallas Police at the cemetery, Photo by Al Panzera Fort Worth Star-Telegram.
The most poorly attended funeral that day was that of the assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald. The funeral was held in Fort Worth, starting at 4 PM CST, was attended mostly by newsmen.
Oswald in casket.
L-R, June Oswald, Marina Oswald, Robert Oswald, Marguerite Oswald holding Rachel Oswald.
Newsmen carry Oswald's casket at cemetery.
In the days that followed, news magazines hit the stands.
Look, December 6, 1963. Look was a bi-weekly, this appears to have actually been on the newsstands at the time of the assassination since there is no reference to it.
Life, November 29, 1963. This sold out pretty quickly.
Life, John F. Kennedy Memorial Edition.
Life, December 6, 1963.
Saturday Evening Post, December 6, 1963.
Supplement to the Philadelphia Inquirer, December 8, 1963
Jack Ruby convicted of murdering Oswald. The Scrantonian, March 15, 1964. Jack Ruby would die in prison from brain tumors on January 3, 1967 while awaiting an appeal of his conviction.
Robert Kennedy visited Scranton on March 17, 1964 to speak at a St. Patrick's dinner, and to dedicate the site of the new John F. Kennedy elementary school. Scranton Tribune, March 18, 1964.
Robert Kennedy would be assassinated on June 5, 1968 in Los Angeles while campaigning for president. Scranton Times, June 5, 1968.

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